20 Words with Emanuela Lupacchino

Just as light etches images on film, true art makes an imprint on the mind. While only working in American comics since 2009, Emanuela Lupacchino has an impressive body of work and is one of the most talented artists of today.

Before her work at IDW, Lupacchino worked on the Italian series L’Insonne as well as some short stories in anthologies. She also worked as a character designer for role-playing game books and as an illustrator. L’Insonne is very difficult to find in the US, but if you can find it, it is worth your effort.


Lupacchino’s cover work includes Angel, Birds of Prey, Catwoman, and Supergirl just to name a few. She also had runs doing the interior work for X-Factor and Archer & Armstrong. Her X-Factor work earned her praise from several comics reviewers.

Lupacchino was also the artist on the Castle: Richard Castle’s Storm Season hardcover. The book really highlighted Lupacchino’s versatility to be able to capture not only action but critical emotional moments. The extra’s featured in the hard cover are worth the additional money. To see how Lupacchino turned Bendis / Deconnick’s script from a few words to a tour de force of a page is truly a sight to behold. People may have bought the book for Bendis & Deconnick, but they stayed for Lupacchino.

You can find a lot of her current work at her deviant art page http://manulupac.deviantart.com/.  In addition to her comics work Lupacchino also donated original work to the Peter David art auction to help David cover medical costs related to his recent stroke.  The following sketch of Siryn rose well over $400 for the cause.
EL Sketch

Lupacchino graciously accepted to be our first guest on 20 Words.  In this abbreviated interview format we will ask each guest 5 questions and they have to answer them all in 20 words or less.

ComicSpectrum: If I wasn’t an artist I’d probably be?
Emanuela Lupacchino: A biotech scientist.

CS: The one object I hate having to draw is?
EL:  Smoke.

CS: The most challenging thing I have ever been asked to draw in a comic was?
EL: Batman.

CS: You’re having a party. What 3 characters from comics would you want on the guest list?
EL: Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark. I’m good with these two, really.

CS: what is the strangest convention sketch request you have received?
EL: A mushroom

Interview conducted (and “20 Words” format created by) Hank Johnson: hank@comicspectrum.com
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1 Response to 20 Words with Emanuela Lupacchino

  1. Shawn Hoklas says:

    Love this idea. Looking forward to seeing future interviews!

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